Archive for July 6th, 2008

We’re Here!

We made it in one piece! Everyone is still alive, and I didn’t leave Miss Emma on the side of the road! This was probably due to the fact that her Papa was with me, and did most of the Emma handling.

We are officially moved into our condo. I won’t say that we’re settled, because we’re not, but all of our stuff is here.  I have tons of pictures of the place, but I haven’t quite figured out how to upload them just yet. I’ll work on that soon though.  For now, I’ll just try to describe it the best I can.  I think we are in the prettiest neighborhood in the area. Every yard is the perfect green and perfectly manicured. All the condos sit on a beautiful pond, complete with its own family of ducks. They like to visit when you’re outside on the patio. Larger houses surround the condos, and they are in immaculate condition as well. It’s so quiet here. I don’t think we have one neighbor under the age of 70. I kinda feel bad moving my wild child into this peaceful place, because it shall be quiet no more!

As for the condo itself, it’s a great size. The only problems I have with it are the 1980’s wallpaper and drapes and lack of lighting. Apparently, no one puts ceiling lights in the bedrooms up here. They rely on natural light from windows. It doesn’t get dark here until 9:30. That’s a big adjustment with Emma’s bedtime being 8. All in all, I don’t think we could have found a better place.  It’s super close to the plant, and right between the two main roads in town.

Today will mark our first day here with just us. Channing’s mom has been here from the beginning, but they are now headed to Columbus for her to catch a flight home. She has been a huge help, and we’re definitely sad to see her go.  Channing starts work in the morning. They’ve already sent him his schedule for the week, and it’s full. Mostly training and such, but definitely full.

As for me, I’ll get back into a routine here with everything, so I hope that I’ll be able to update this very regularly!

1 comment July 6, 2008






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